It's now coming to the end of the weekend. Saturday was quite busy. I had netball on and there was an annoying mix up with the other teams scoring which said that we lost 7-9 when really the other mum did it wrong. There was one goal the other team shot and she stepped or held it long or something so it was counted as a "No Goal" but yet the mum goes and writes it down as a point for their team any way. That should have made it 7-8 but since she wasn't paying attention when I got a goal she didn't write that down which was quite silly. It should have been drawn on 8 points but thanks to the scoring by the other team we didn't quite get the truth. That wasn't the best game I have ever played but there is only one more for the season and then we have to wait until next year so I just hope we do well on our last game next Saturday! After the game I went home and had lunch. Then our mum dropped us off for our Oma to pick us up so we could go to her house for a sleepover. We got there nice and early and we ordered delicious pizzas for dinner. They were delicious and we had the rest for our lunch today. At Oma's house we played with the Lego and watched Enchanted. I really liked it thought it was funny which was good. We had salty popcorn whilst we watched it on television. Then on Sunday we had planned to go to see some lambs but those plans didn't work out so in stead we went to the shops, got a new kettle and d.v.d player for mum and then came back home. It was all very fun and a good weekend out.
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Georgia! At My Fun Times At Home